☾ Lockheart Arden Publishing ☽
Created by Samantha Fuchsgruber. Christianity, Psychology, Catholicism, Theology, Writing, Apologetics, and Self-Compassion, and Life
Thank you for your time and for reading. God Bless.
My Story♡
☾ My Story of Lockheart Arden Publishing ☽☾ It is June 15th, 2023, I am currently listening to “1984” by Night Traveler, and I realized I wanted to make this little post to share my gratitude for the fact that I found out today that I received 101 coffees on my Ko-fi page, which was a culmination of donations from my wonderful parents, family, and anonymous donors. These donations mean very much to me. I seriously can not express how thankful I am for that.🌌However, I must make it known that the sole purpose of Lockheart was never for donations. We live in a society where everything is monetized, and that is just the truth. While running my blog has never felt like true work in the traditional sense, those donations on my Ko-fi page help me feel seen as an individual. Those donations help me feel appreciated for sharing my passions with the world and hopefully inspiring others through the many things I have written and have yet to write. Thus, since I hope my writing will continue to grow over time, officially registering Lockheart as a business will help give my blog some more legal protections that it might not have had otherwise. Doing this also helps me (and others) take it more seriously since it is such a critical part of why I have grown into the young woman I am today. However, I still have so much more life to live and a lot more to learn.Now, without getting too personal, I just want to expand on why I write, and why my blog is so close to my heart. Along with God, my blog has been a necessary constant in my life. When the world fails—as it always does—with my blog, I have a part of this world where I can always pour my heart and soul out without having to ever stop. I started in June 2021 but did not start taking it seriously until November 2022 after a series of unfortunate events in my life that inspired my romance novel. I have done that through the process of writing my romance novel (with my characters Melanie and Levi), some other novels I have been working on, and my blog posts. My writing has given me so much strength when certain situations tried to take it away. And that is something I must express so much gratitude for. I compare myself to who the person I was in June 2022 versus today, in June 2023, and I do not even recognize my past self. I have changed so much in just three-hundred and sixty-five days. God found me, and because of His hand in my life, I realized my worth and resilience. With all of my emotions, my experiences, and my interpretations of the events in my life—I have no doubt in my mind that God knew I was going to be a writer the second I was born. ☾♥️I can not wait to see where He takes my life going forward. ✞Never forget that you are worthy. Nothing—nothing can ever take away from your inherent value. It does not matter what your job title is, what degree you have, how much money you have, what your home or car looks like, or what your life situation is in general. I have personally suffered from comparing myself to others’ external lives… and that is never a great feeling. What matters is who you are as a person, on the inside. I am sure you are a pretty awesome human. Everyone has something unique to offer! Everyone.You matter in this world and you have a place here. If you don’t think you do, well that is okay.Somewhere, I think you will find it.Or maybe… that ‘somewhere’ will find you. 🌌As Gustaf Sobin once wrote, from Luminous Debris: Reflecting on Vestige in Provence and Languedoc, “We read on. We go on looking, as we’ve always looked, not so much for [flint artifacts] as for ourselves, our own, obscure traces. Reading books, visiting museums, or simply stopping short before the vast, gold umbrella of some chestnut tree in mid-autumn, aren’t we always, in a sense, looking for ourselves? A lonely species by nature, made even more so today by the loss of any commonly shared vision—any collectively accepted referent—we wander through galleries, archival tumuli, and archeological vestige, hoping to discover, at any given instant, the key, the tiny, metallic glint in the midst of our own shadows. Call it, if you will, the breath at the very heart of our own empty mirror.” 💭☽✞Love,
Samantha Arden Lockheart ☽